Gospel News/Editorial

The Role Of Prayer In strengthening Marital Bonds

Prayer can play a significant role in strengthening marital bonds for many couples. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of prayer in strengthening marital bonds depends on the beliefs >>

fakazagospel top 10 gospel song
Gospel News/Editorial

Top 10 Fakaza Gospel Songs 2024

List of Top 10 South African Gospel Songs. The South African gospel music scene has been thriving, and, a popular platform for updating and streaming South African gospel songs, >>

Child Cares
Gospel News/Editorial

What is Child Care?

Understanding the  different types of  Child Care. Child Care: The ability and act of taking care or supervising of children from a month to eighteen years by crèche, nursery and >>

Self-Care Lifestyle
Gospel News/Editorial

The Importance of Adopting a Self-Care Lifestyle

The concept of self-care has gained immense significance. A self-care lifestyle revolves around the intentional practice of nurturing one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It encompasses a range of activities >>

Muscle cramps
Gospel News/Editorial

5 foods that may help with Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are uncomfortable occurrences marked by painful, involuntary muscle contractions or partial contractions that are transient, typically lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. “The precise cause of >>

Water fasting
Gospel News/Editorial

Benefits of water fasting & effects

For those aiming to shed weight, the inundation of numerous diets has made it challenging to keep track of the latest trends that emerge each month. “Among these diets is >>