10 surprising high-fibre foods you should eat more


When someone neglects their daily intake of fiber, it often results in constipation, leading to discomfort and pain during bowel movements. Fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble, found in most plant-based foods.

Soluble fiber transforms into a gel in the stomach, slowing digestion, which aids in reducing cholesterol and blood glucose. In contrast, insoluble fiber remains unchanged, making waste softer and heavier as it travels through the colon. However, neither type of fiber is absorbed by the body.

Insufficient fiber intake can affect blood sugar control and appetite regulation because fiber influences digestion speed and contributes to a feeling of fullness. Here are the top 10 surprising high-fiber foods

1. Split Peas: Used in Indian dishes, split peas are protein-rich, ideal for soups, stews, and deals, offering a healthy and filling meal.

2. Lentils: Versatile and quick to cook, lentils provide 15.6 grams of fiber per cup, cooked, with a meatier taste suitable for various meals.

3. Black Beans: Loaded with complex carbs and protein, black beans offer 15 grams of fiber per cup, cooked, making them an excellent post-workout meal.

4. Avocados: Considered a super-food, avocados contain vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats, great for salads to add creaminess.

5. Barley: A chewy, nutritious grain higher in fiber than oatmeal and brown rice, suitable for soups, salads, or as a tea ingredient.

6. Apples: An easily accessible and cost-effective source of fiber, adding to the benefits of consuming an apple daily.

7. Carrots: Besides beta carotene, carrots provide fiber, with raw baby carrots offering 2.9 grams per 100-gram serving, and cooked carrots having 2.3 grams in half a cup.

8. Legumes: Common in global cuisines, legumes offer fiber and serve as a vegetarian protein source, like red lentils providing 4 grams of fiber per half-cup serving before cooking.

9. Spinach: Adding a handful of spinach to smoothies, meals, or snacks boosts fiber intake and provides an iron boost.

10. Oats: An economical and simple way to increase fiber intake, oats in various forms quick-cooking, rolled, or steel-cut make a satisfying and whole-grain breakfast choice.

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