7 Nutrition Codes For Optimal Health


Optimal nutrition plays a pivotal role in both health and overall development, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Improved nutrition not only enhances health across all age groups but also elevates life quality, reduces disease risks, and contributes to longer life spans. Here are evidence-based dietary recommendations to support a healthier lifestyle

1. Thoroughly Chew Your Food: Extend the duration of chewing until food breaks down into a liquid state in your mouth. This step is crucial in digestion, helping you eat at a slower pace and boosting energy levels.

2. Eat Until 80% Full: Avoid overeating and aim to feel 80% full rather than stuffed. This practice aids in calorie self-regulation and prevents discomforts like bloating, acidity, and sluggishness.

3. Maintain Consistent Meal Times: Regular meal intervals assist in self-regulating hunger and synchronize with your body’s circadian rhythms, optimizing bodily functions throughout the day. Alignment with these rhythms promotes improved sleep, productivity, and overall well-being.

4. Avoid Eating Close to Bedtime: Cease eating at least three hours before bedtime to enhance digestion, prevent potential weight gain and acid reflux, and improve the quality of sleep.

5. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Portions: Emphasize nutrient-rich foods over larger portions. Research analyzing food diaries from numerous individuals suggests that nutrients like protein, potassium, fiber, Vitamin B5, and folate contribute to satisfaction with meals while consuming fewer calories. Including protein in each meal may help stabilize blood sugar levels.

6. Hydrate Before and After Meals: Consuming a glass of water both before and after a meal enhances the sensation of fullness afterward and curbs the tendency to eat extra bites post meals.

7. Engage in Post-Meal Walking: Take a leisurely walk after meals to aid digestion and burn additional calories. This simple activity can contribute positively to overall health.

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