
Proper Email Conduct which job hunters need to know


Job Hunting

During your job searching period, you can make a very good use of your email account in job applications. You can send out emails asking about job openings or email messages with your resume attached. Also try networking emails by asking people you are familiar with to assist you in your job hunting.

It is important to note that your communications should remain as professional as possible during this job hunting period.

This write up will give you the information on all you need to know about your job searching email etiquette, things to include in the emails, how to format the email and make sure it will be read.

Make use of a Professional Email Account

When applying for jobs, It is ideal to set up a particular email account for your job searching. By doing this, you can avoid situation of mixing your professional email account with the personal one.

Set up an account for job hunting: There is a variety of web mail services you can use. For instance, you can use a Gmail account in which you will be able to check your mails online through your computer or your phone.
Make use of names that are appropriate for job searching. For instance, [email protected] instead of [email protected]. If the account is ready, you can send a few trial messages to be sure that you can receive or send emails too.

The email account should be for your job search communication purposes: It should be used for applying of jobs, posting of resume and networking. Endeavour to check this account regularly to respond quickly to interested employers. Add your professional account to your phone in order to receive notifications instantly.

Don’t make use of your company mail account: Incase you are still working under a company while applying for this jobs, do not make use of the present companies mail account to avoid getting caught. It is not right to use a company mail account to apply for jobs in another company.

Addressing your email messages

If possible, send your mails to a specific or contact person instead of sending as a general mail box.

Send your email message to a particular person: Address it using Dear Mr./Ms. david. If you don’t have the name, you can address it using Dear Managing Director or Hiring Manager.

When there is no Contact Person: Dear Managing Director

Formal greeting : Dear Ms. David

Casual Greeting (someone you are familiar with): Dear frannie,

Have a clear Subject or heading

Your message needs a heading: If you do not add a subject or If you leave the subject blank, the email is probably going to end up in a spam mailbox or be deleted.

Make use of a definite subject line: As you apply for jobs, ensure to mention the position you want to fill in your subject line. This helps the employer to know the job you are applying to occupy.
Inclusion of your name in the subject line can be done as well. For Instance:

Subject Line: Office secretary Position

Subject Line: Customer Care Position – John David

Formatting a Professional Email account

Always keep it concise, simple and professionally formatted when writing. You can include your signature and contact information for interested personnel’s to get in touch easily.

Keep it simple: Some people tend to skim through or even ignore long emails sent to them. Make sure to keep it simple and straight to the point.

Choose a clear and simple calligraphy: Make use of simple and clearer fonts like Times New Roman and avoid the fonts that are difficult to read. Use size 10 or 12 point to make your email clear and easy to read.

Write professionally: Do not make use of slangs or acronyms, It should be written properly in words. Make use of sentences and paragraphs for easier understanding of your mail. Begin with a greeting and end with your signature and salutation.

Signature inclusion: Try to include your signature and contact information or your work profile, For instance; including your LinkedIn profile can also be a way for the employer to identify your abilities and skills.

The exhibit below shows a professional email signature:

Mary Broadrick
Email Address
LinkedIn Profile URL (Optional)

How to Send your mail

Send a trial message to yourself to known if your formatting works, Make sure that your attached files are correct. If everything is up to your preference or according to the necessary procedure, you can go ahead and send to your employer or the company you want to apply in.

When you want apply for the job, you can copy and paste or write your cover letter in the body of a mail you want to send. If need be, you can also attach your resume as a PDF or Word document.

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