
How to Create A Professional Work Portfolio



1. Be ardent and enthusiastic about your job

People want to work with people who are passionate about what they do. Companies surely look for passion and enthusiasm. Since these qualities are innate to personality and thus hard to teach. People that display their passion and enthusiasm for their job are most likely to be considered.

2. Don’t just tell, Show them

Don’t just say that you’re passionate and enthusiastic; show that you are by participating real exemplifications of your passion as well as times you went over and further in your liabilities.

3. Have a portfolio with samples of your work

The best way to show your capabilities is by Including in your portfolio; work samples that showcases your skills.

4. Don’t include everything in your head

Avoid including irrelevant information and stick to relevant and common keywords.

5. Complete profile

Have a complete profile to help recruiters know more about you and trace your job history.  They want to know what you do, where you have worked, and more. A complete profile helps them do this.

6. A network( or connections)

You don’t need a massive network of hundreds of connections. Have a network or connections to showcase that you are social and professional. LinkedIn makes it accessible to connect with others by allowing you to import dispatch connections and indeed suggests who you may know.

7. Recommendations or witnesses

Accumulate testimonials or recommendations from managers and colleagues to show that people enjoy working with you.

8. The longer you’ve been at a position, the better.

Bouncing around from job to job every month isn’t a good sign. Staying shows fidelity. The longer you’ve been at a position, the better it is, as it demonstrates dedication.

9. Portable acquisitions

Make sure to punctuate any skills you picked up from former positions. Highlight transferable skills in previous positions, such as software and tools like Salesforce, Quickbooks, and Microsoft Excel.

10. Level of Education and certificates

List your education, courses, and/or certificates to showcase your learning and self-improvement abilities. Make sure to also have substantiation to back you up like a portfolio.

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