
11 easy Jobs that can be done Online from Home


Online jobs

Many companies have focused on hiring experts who can work with schedules and meet deadlines but not necessarily be present in the office. There’s been a proliferation in the virtual work-space this century. Deals are sealed via teleconferences, employers recruit via social media and there’s an increasing demand for convenience at work. Many countries have embraced this concept and implemented it to be part of their organizations’ culture. So if you are looking for a job to do from the comfort of your home, check out the ones below.

1. Freelance Writer

This is the most common Online Job in the world. Submission of written articles does not require being physically situated in a company’s office. Thus, being a freelance writer is one of the most common work from home jobs in in the world. Qualifications are basic. A freelance writer should have a good portfolio of written works; His/her writing must be compelling enough to hold many readers’ attention. As well, writers must be dynamic to be able to provide explanations in a user-friendly manner rather than in a technical fashion. Of course, as content will be posted on the web, applicants must have a good understanding of Internet concepts and possess familiarity on optimizing content online. Often, writers are to provide five to 10 articles in a week with a vast array of topics given by the publisher. A 700-word article usually is equivalent to $3, while a 1500-word article costs $5. In most areas, flexible rates are applied. Some even provide $60 per article, depending on the depth of the topic and the set of requirements.

2. Translator

Quite similar to a freelance writer, a translator writes articles with the same content only translated from original articles written in a different language. Many people are known to fluently speak and write in second languages asides English. Some of the more popular languages are; Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Portuguese. Companies are in favor of applicants who know one or two of these languages. If you’re more proficient as a linguist and know more than three languages that have high demands for translation jobs, you can really earn a decent pay out of this translating job.

3. Sales Representative

Work-from-home sales representatives are in charge of information and communication technologies services such as registration of domains, hosting and data center services, setting up of corporate email accounts, etc. Earnings are both commission based and salary based. To close sales, as a sales rep, you will be expected to perform mass mailing, data mining for leads and cold calling. Numbers and data will either be provided by your company or researched by your own. You will also be responsible for accounts negotiation, online presentation and closing of deals. At the latter part, sales reps take up billing, collection of payment and support tasks. Hence, candidates must possess sales experience in the ICT industry with great technical background.

4. Virtual Assistant

The job of a virtual assistant spans from research work to support that comes with help desk tasks. If you are thinking of working as a virtual assistant, be ready for companies to assess if you are good in speaking and writing. This online job requires a polite tone in answering and making support calls, handling e-mails of customers and other secretarial responsibilities. This administrative role pays up to about $10 per hour.

5. Graphic Designer

Graphics designing jobs are hot in demand now even much more than it was 2 years ago. If you are skilled in designing graphics such as logos and animations, you can stay at home and earn up to $60 an hour. A vast portfolio of creative designs and Flash works is your ticket to getting hired by companies involved in online work sites. Include web designs and get as much as an additional pay of $50 per hour. If you are capable of taking clear photos, it is highly suggested to include your experience as a photographer in your resume. Companies are generally generous in paying for photographs they can’t get elsewhere to speak for their brand in a unique way.

6. Blogging

Years ago, It was a great way to have fun and connect with people while utilizing the emerging technology of the internet. But today, blogging is so popular because it is profitable. Whether through affiliate marketing or ads, blogs with a ton of traffic can make a ton of money.

Blogging is an excellent opportunity for a remote job because it requires nothing but a computer and internet access. Essentially, a blogger creates content for their website, develops an audience, and monetizes that audience through various means or services. As a remote job, blogging offers several benefits like Flexibility, Creativity, Income potential.

Overall, blogging can be an enjoyable and fulfilling remote job for those passionate about writing and sharing their interests with others.

7. Website Designer/Developer

Working as a website designer calls for you to be able to create the look, layout, and features of a website. It is a job that involves a good knowledge of graphic design and computer programming. Having a good portfolio of satisfied clients will go a long way in helping you get clients. Client satisfaction is very important as it opens doors to referrals from clients you work with.

A web designer’s job duties cover all aspects of creating a website. Your duties will include writing and editing content, designing webpage layout, determining technical requirements, updating websites, creating back-up files and resolving code problems as they arise. Website designers and developers enjoy the liberty of charging what they want from clients depends what the clients want. You can develop a website for as little as free to as much as $1000 depending on who is paying and what is being paid for.

8. SEO Consultant

Another option available is to work as an SEO consultant, and this can be a better alternative if you are more technically skilled rather than designing such as taking the graphic designer or web design option. Search engine optimization is the combination of different techniques used to help a website increase its rankings within a search engines results page or “serp” as it is known in the industry.

Now because of the ever growing number of websites that are published daily, the consequence is the number of people being able to find them decreases. Although this makes being a search engine optimization consultant a growing and well paid job, it also requires you to possess a good technical degree of knowledge as well a broader marketing background. Working in the field of search engine optimization means you’ll be responsible for a company’s websites online rankings. These are based using a range of factors, and will require you to employ a range of tactics both on and off the website.

The tactics and strategies used are varied however, it would be wise to read the search engine’s guidelines and terms of service. Usually your work will involve helping to asses if the website follows best design practices, creating good content and promoting it to the company’s user base to create backlinks. It also requires a small amount of technical ability and skill but also some analytical skill to make proactive marketing decisions that are crucial to the overall ROI of your campaign. Despite the knowledge and work required being an SEO consultant can be a rewarding job when your faced with good results, and it does have a steadily growing demand in the jobs market which also makes it pay well for the right job candidate.

9. Social Media Analyst

To work from home as a Social Media Analyst, you will need your marketing background to improve to build a companies’ online presence and brand awareness through the efficient use of social media networks, blogs and online search engine optimization. Interestingly, it is a growing area of business marketing that requires individuals with strong online communication and business analytical skills.

As a social media analyst, you will be saddled with the responsibility of creating and maintaining a company’s presence on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram amongst others. In some cases, you will be expected to maintain the company’s blogs. You will also be in charge of increasing the company’s brand exposure through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and by finding ways to use these keywords in marketing strategies.

Bear in mind that companies feel more comfortable working with social media analysts who have worked in the same capacity with other brands so you might want to garner some experience in this regard.

10. YouTube Vlogger

Did you know that you can make as much as $200 working from home as a Vlogger? Oh yes you can and now is a perfect time to take advantage of the opportunity provided by YouTube to make money from its partner program.
There are two steps to earn from YouTube:
1. Sign up for its partner program
2. Be creative enough to upload quality videos that can generate lots of clicks.
Millions of people all over the globe earn a decent income from uploading videos on YouTube. Need ideas on the kinds of videos you should upload? We have listed a few for you below:

(A) Videos ranting about a topic (the more controversial, the better)
(B) Your honest review of movies
(C) Prank videos
(D) Product or service reviews
(E) Videos on Fashion and Makeup
(F) Reviews of gadgets and electronic devices
(G) Videos showing off your talent (this could be singing, dancing etc)

11. Affiliate Marketing

As a beginner, affiliate marketing might initially prove to be a difficult curve to negotiate but with time and some experience, it becomes a job you can get done from the comfort of your home. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates (you) for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. Now that we have that out of the way, you should also know that you can make money whenever someone makes a free signup or purchases from the advertiser’s website then he/she gets the commission.

A lot of people are now into affiliate marketing and you can easily find hundreds of affiliate programs where you can register as an affiliate.

For successful affiliate marketing, you need an internet enabled computer/laptop. Next, you need a good product to market. Picking the right product can be a a tricky business. You need to ascertain that your product has a market and offers real value.When this is taken care of, you need a website, blog or social media page to display your link as well as pre-sell. Another crucial thing you must master is how to market. It is a skill that can be acquired over time. In this in-depth guide on making money with your blog you would find different methods by which you can make money from home with a blog.

Lastly, patience and hard work are two key elements you should not overlook, bear in mind that affiliate marketing is not a get rich scheme.

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