Gospel News

It cost F. A. I. T. H. to construct Faith Arena in 1986 – Benson Idahosa.


The cost of constructing Faith Arena was mentioned
By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
(In 1986) The Archbishop Benson Idahosa, I was in the service when he said something, he was opening the new Dome.

Well, the big Faith Dome (Faith Arena), they called it. Beautiful structures still there.

Faith Arena 2Faith Arena

So, on the opening day, we were in there (November 1986), then he made a statement that I didn’t understand immediately but as I stood to wait I found out what he meant. (Pastor Chris Oyakhilome)

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome .He said “you may ask how much this building cost but I will tell you what it cost. It’s a five letter word – F. A. I. T. H. Faith! It cost Faith! And then (people were looking at him (surprised).

At that moment I just believed that’s it but I didn’t know how, then I saw I got it. Faith is substance! Faith is substance. This is more valuable than Dollars, Pounds… Are you hearing me? This is there! Faith is there! If you got it, if you got the substance nothing will fail.

The Video 📸


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