Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – Order My Steps

Download Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – Order My Steps Mp3

GENRE: Gospel.
QUALITY: 320 Kbps.
YEAR: 2022.
SIZE: 4.01 MB.

Come, let us sing for delight to the LORD; let us yell out loud to the Rock of our salvation. Allow us to precede him with thanksgiving and praise him with music and tune. For the LORD is the incomparable God, the incomparable King over all divine beings.

Gospel is the past-days, present-day and the future-to-come guildline to eternity and the prevention to hell, hope for tomorrow to those with faith and straight to the weak, a double edged sword to the listeners  and also a visual to the sightless.

Sing aloud gospel songs unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob with gospel melody’s to an agreeable harmony for the honor of Jehovah and the permissible delights of the soul.

Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy. Gospel Music is Life and the message of  Yahweh to his People.

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Lyrics for Order My Steps by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Order my steps in your word dear lord
Lead me, guide me everyday
Send your anointing, father i pray
Order my steps in your word
Please, order my steps in your word

Order my steps in your word dear lord
Lead me, guide me everyday
Send your anointing, father i pray
Order my steps in your word
Please, order my steps in your word

Humbly, i ask thee to teach me your will
While you are working, help me be still
Satan is busy, god is real
Order my steps in your word
Please, order my steps in your word

Briddle my tongue let my words edify
Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in thy sight
Take charge of my thoughts both day and night
Order my steps in your word
Please order my steps in your word

I want to walk worthy(I want to walk worthy)
My calling to fulfill
Please order my steps lord(please lord)
And i’ll do your blessed will
The world is ever changing(the world is ever changing)
But you are still the same
If you order my steps lord, i’ll praise your name

Order my steps in your word(lead me oh lord)
Order my tongue in your word(teach me to speak your word)
Guide my feet in your word(guide my feet)
Wash my heart in your word(wash your heart)
Show me how to walk in your word(show me how to walk)
Show me how to talk in your word(I wanna learn how to talk)
When i need a brand new song to sing(show me)
Show me how to let your praises ring(show me)
In your word(in your word)
In your word(in your word)


Please order my step in your word(in your word)
Please order my step in your word
I want to walk worthy(I want to walk worthy)
My calling to fulfill
Please order my steps lord(please lord)
And i’ll do your blessed will
The world is ever changing(the world is ever changing)
But you are still the same
If you order my steps lord, i’ll praise your name

Lord i just want to walk worthy(I want to walk worthy)
My calling to fulfill
Please order my steps lord
And i’ll do your blessed will
The world is ever changing(the world is ever changing)
But you are still the same
Please order my step in your word(in your word)
Please order my step in your word
Please order my step in your word(in your word)
Please order my step in your word

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